Rhino3D/Rhino Script

Rhino Script 예제

papermaster 2010. 9. 2. 13:47
뭔진 모르지만 스크립트를 이렇게 사용할 수 있다는 코드예제
Option Explicit
'Script written by <David Mans (adapted from work by Che Wei Wang www.cwwang.com>
'Script copyrighted by <Neoarchaic Studio>
'Script version Sunday, September 28, 2008 12:18:06 AM

Call Main()
Sub Main()
	Dim objects, folder, name, arrResults, arrDrawings
	objects = Rhino.GetObjects("Select Objects")
	If isNull(objects) Then Exit Sub
	arrDrawings = Rhino.GetBoolean("DrawingTypes", array("orthoElev","no","yes","auxElev","no","yes","auxTop","no","yes","auxBottom","no","yes","isoTop","no","yes","isoBottom","no","yes"),array(True,False,False,False,False,True))
	arrResults = Rhino.GetBoolean("Output Options", array("drawings","no","yes","renders","no","yes"),array(True,False))
	If arrResults(1) = True Then
		name=Rhino.GetString("Enter prefix for jpeg file naming")
		folder = Rhino.BrowseForFolder("testFolder","SelectFolder","RenderFolder")	
		If IsNull(folder) Then Exit Sub
	End If

	Call multiIso(objects,array(0,0,0),folder,name,arrResults, arrDrawings)
End Sub
Function multiIso(arrObjects, origin,folder,name, arrBool, arrMode)
	multiIso = Null

	Dim strView
	Dim k: k=0
	Dim count
	Dim arrPoint(),arrTitle()
	ReDim arrPoint(k),arrTitle(k)
	If arrMode(0) = True Then
		ReDim Preserve arrPoint(k+5),arrTitle(k+5),arrSwitch(k+5)
		'plans and elevations
		arrTitle(k) = "Top"
		arrPoint(k) = Array(0,0,1)
		arrTitle(k+1) = "Bottom"
		arrPoint(k+1) = Array(0,0,-1)
		arrTitle(k+2) = "Front"
		arrPoint(k+2) = Array(0,-1,0)
		arrTitle(k+3) = "Back"
		arrPoint(k+3) = Array( 0,1,0)
		arrTitle(k+4) = "Left"
		arrPoint(k+4) = Array(-1,0,0)
		arrTitle(k+5) = "Right"
		arrPoint(k+5) = Array(1,0,0)
	End If
	If arrMode(1) = True Then
		ReDim Preserve arrPoint(k+4),arrTitle(k+4),arrSwitch(k+4)
		'auxilary orthographic elevation
		arrSwitch(k) = True
		arrTitle(k) = "FrontLeft"
		arrPoint(k) = Array(-1,-1,0)
		arrTitle(k+1) = "FrontRight"
		arrPoint(k+1) = Array( 1,-1,0)
		arrTitle(k+2) = "BackLeft"
		arrPoint(k+2) = Array(-1, 1,0)
		arrTitle(k+3) = "BackRight"
		arrPoint(k+3) = Array( 1, 1,0)
	End If
	If arrMode(2) = True Then
		ReDim Preserve arrPoint(k+4),arrTitle(k+4),arrSwitch(k+4)
		'auxilary orthographic top 
		arrSwitch(k) = True
		arrTitle(k) = "TopFront"
		arrPoint(k) = Array(0,-1,1)
		arrTitle(k+1) = "TopBack"
		arrPoint(k+1) = Array( 0,1,1)
		arrTitle(k+2) = "TopLeft"
		arrPoint(k+2) = Array(-1,0,1)
		arrTitle(k+3) = "TopRight"
		arrPoint(k+3) = Array( 1,0,1)
	End If
	If arrMode(3) = True Then
		ReDim Preserve arrPoint(k+4),arrTitle(k+4),arrSwitch(k+4)
		'auxilary orthographic bottom 
		arrSwitch(k) = True
		arrTitle(k) = "BottomFront"
		arrPoint(k) = Array(0,-1,-1)
		arrTitle(k+1) = "BottomBack"
		arrPoint(k+1) = Array( 0,1,-1)
		arrTitle(k+2) = "BottomLeft"
		arrPoint(k+2) = Array(-1,0,-1)
		arrTitle(k+3) = "BottomRight"
		arrPoint(k+3) = Array( 1,0,-1)
	End If
	If arrMode(4) = True Then
		ReDim Preserve arrPoint(k+4),arrTitle(k+4),arrSwitch(k+4)
		'axonometric isometric top
		arrSwitch(k) = True
		arrTitle(k) = "TopFrontLeft"
		arrPoint(k) = Array(-1,-1,1)
		arrTitle(k+1) = "TopFrontRight"
		arrPoint(k+1) = Array( 1,-1,1)
		arrTitle(k+2) = "TopBackLeft"
		arrPoint(k+2) = Array(-1, 1,1)
		arrTitle(k+3) = "TopBackRight"
		arrPoint(k+3) = Array( 1, 1,1)
	End If
	If arrMode(5) = True Then
		ReDim Preserve arrPoint(k+4),arrTitle(k+4),arrSwitch(k+4)
		'axonometric isometric bottom
		arrSwitch(k) = True
		arrTitle(k) = "BottomFrontLeft"
		arrPoint(k) = Array(-1,-1,-1)
		arrTitle(k+1) = "BottomFrontRight"
		arrPoint(k+1) = Array( 1,-1,-1)
		arrTitle(k+2) = "BottomBackLeft"
		arrPoint(k+2) = Array(-1, 1,-1)
		arrTitle(k+3) = "BottomBackRight"
		arrPoint(k+3) = Array( 1, 1,-1)
	End If
	count = k-1
	Dim arrOrigin, vect
	arrOrigin = Array(0,0,0)
	Call Rhino.Command("-_SetView c t ", False)
	strView = Rhino.CurrentView()
	Dim j,m,n,u
	Dim obox: obox = Rhino.BoundingBox(arrObjects)
	Dim i,r,s,t
	Dim arrLabel
	Dim invSel
	Dim  arrDrawings(),bbox(), dblLength(), dblHeight(), dblDist
	ReDim arrDrawings(count),bbox(count), dblLength(count), dblHeight(count)
	Call Rhino.EnableRedraw (False)
	If arrBool(0) = True Then
		If j = 0 And m = 0 And n = 0 Then
			Call Rhino.SelectObjects(arrObjects)
			Call Rhino.Command("-_Make2d " ,False)
			Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(Rhino.SelectedObjects())
			Call Rhino.Command("-_SetView c t ", False)
		End If
		Call Rhino.ViewProjection(strView,1)
		For i = 0 To count Step 1
			Call Rhino.ViewCameraTarget (strView, arrPoint(i), arrOrigin)
			Call Rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
			Call Rhino.SelectObjects(arrObjects)
			Call Rhino.ZoomSelected()
			Call Rhino.Command("-_Make2d d c _Enter" ,False)
			arrDrawings(i) = Rhino.SelectedObjects()
			bbox(i) = Rhino.BoundingBox(arrDrawings(i))
			dblLength(i) = Rhino.Distance(bbox(i)(0),bbox(i)(1))
			dblHeight(i) = Rhino.Distance(bbox(i)(0),bbox(i)(3))
			Call Rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
		r = 0
		s = 0
		t = 0
		For i = 0 To count Step 1
			ReDim Preserve arrHeight(s)
			arrHeight(s) = dblHeight(i)
			If arrSwitch(i) = True Then
				t = t+Rhino.max(arrHeight)+3
				ReDim arrHeight(0)
				s = 0
				r = 0
			End If
			If r > 0 Then
				r = dblLength(i)*0.5+dblLength(i-1)*0.5+r
			End If
			Call Rhino.MoveObjects(arrDrawings(i),origin,array(r,u+t,0))
			Call Rhino.AddText(CStr(arrTitle(i)),array(r,u+t-dblHeight(i)*0.2,0),dblHeight(i)*0.1)
			If i = count Then
				t = t+dblHeight(i)*1.5
			End If
	End If
	If arrBool(1) = True Then
		If isArray(arrObjects) Then
			Call Rhino.SelectObjects(arrObjects)
			Call Rhino.SelectObject(arrObjects)
		End If
		invSel = Rhino.InvertSelectedObjects()
		If isNull(invSel) Then
			Call Rhino.HideObjects(invSel)
		End If
		Call Rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
		Call Rhino.Command("-_SetView c t ", False)
		For i = 0 To count Step 1
			Call Rhino.ViewCameraTarget (strView, arrPoint(i), arrOrigin)
			Call Rhino.SelectObjects(arrObjects)
			Call Rhino.ZoomSelected()
			Call Rhino.Command("_-Render",False)
			Call Rhino.Command("_-SaveRenderWindowAs " & GetRenderFileName(name,folder, CStr(arrTitle(i)), "png"),False)
			Call Rhino.Command("_-CloseRenderWindow",False)	
			Call Rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
	End If
	Call Rhino.EnableRedraw (True)
	Call Rhino.Command("-_SetView c t", False)
	Call Rhino.Command("-_Show _Enter",False)
	Call Rhino.ZoomExtents()
End Function
Function GetRenderFileName(name,folder, view, ext)
	Dim doc, file, temp
	doc = Rhino.DocumentName
	temp = "_"& name &"_"& view & "." & ext
	file = LCase(Replace(doc, ".3dm", temp, 1, -1, 1))
	GetRenderFileName = Chr(34) & folder & file & Chr(34)
End Function